When to repair your gel coat?

When to repair gel coat: Scuffs and surface scratches can look unsightly, and small ones may polish out with a soft woollen buffer and some marine polish.

Gel coat repairs are only necessary if the scratch has gone through the gel coat to the glass or carbon matting in the layup.

You should never attempt to repair shallow scratches with gel coat. A thin layer of gel coat isn't structurally strong enough and may crack off. If you really don't like the look of a shallow scratch, either deepen the scratch using a small blade or grinder and follow the guide below or learn to live with it. Some paddlers call them experience lines. Scratches that don't reach the glass matting won't harm the boat.

Thin hairline cracks, known as star cracks, present a bigger problem and need to be repaired. It's acceptable to leave them until the end of the season, but longer delays can allow water to penetrate the fibreglass matting and cause delamination.

What you will need

  • Gloves 
  • Mask 
  • Goggles 
  • Dremmel tool or sharp blade
  • Vacum
  • Gel coat and Catalyst
  • Masking tape
  • Rags
  • Disposable mixing cup
  • Disposable mixing stick


  1. Clean the damaged area with acetone to remove dirt and grease.
  2. Using the Dremel tool or blade, remove any loose gel coat.
  3. Use the vacuum to remove dust and clean again with acetone.
  4. Use masking tape to mask around the area for repair. Ensure you overlap the repair on all sides by at least 2mm.
  5. Prepare the gel coat mixture according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  6. Apply the gel coat to the damaged area using a brush or spatula, building up layers if required. Don't worry about it being flat at this stage; it should be proud of the surrounding surfaces.
  7. Allow it to cure completely as per the instructions.
  8. Sand the cured gel coat smoothly using progressively finer sandpaper, starting with 400 grit and moving to 800 grit, then 1200 grit. Use a sanding block to ensure only the raised repair comes into contact with the sandpaper.
  9. Polish the area with a marine-grade polish to restore shine and blend with the surrounding surface.

Well done!


Sea Kayaking UK, Canada Gardens, Morrison Crescent, Holyhead, LL65 2SZ

+44 (0)1407 765550 | info@seakayakinguk.com