Unfortunately, as cockpit rims sit proud of the kayak deck, they can be prone to damage. In some circumstances, it may be necessary to replace or refit them. Sea Kayaking UK can supply new rims if needed.

What You Need:

  • Goggles
  • Mask
  • Gloves
  • Grinder
  • Vacum
  • Rags
  • Solvent (e.g. Acetone)
  • Masking tape
  • Pieces of foam
  • Gelcoat/Pre-Gel/Catalyst or Methacrylate Adhesive (e.g. Plexus MA300 or Adekit A300)


  1. Work outside or in a well ventilated space.
  2. Grind off all the old gel from the inside of the cockpit.
  3. Vacum and wipe clean all surfaces with solvent.
  4. With the boat upright on stands, place the new rim in position. 
  5. Using pieces of foam as spacers ensure there is sufficient space underneath the rim for the spray deck.
  6. Secure the rim with masking tape.
  7. Turn the boat upside down.
  8. Fill the space between the cockpit rim and deck with Gelcoat/Pre-Gel/Catalyst mixture or Methacrylate Adhesive.
  9. Check under the rim for excess material and remove it while still wet.
  10. If using gel coat, leave it to harden overnight. If using adhesive, allow a couple of hours to fully harden.

Sea Kayaking UK, Canada Gardens, Morrison Crescent, Holyhead, LL65 2SZ

+44 (0)1407 765550 | info@seakayakinguk.com