• Equipment needed: Seat, adjustable plastic side parts and four bolts, backrest, foam seat pad, Allen key set, acetone, tape measure, cloths, spatula, mixing board, heavy weight (small bag of sand), adequate safety equipment, ITW Plexus MA300 glue / methacrylate SS 605 glue.
  • The Romany Excel and Surf range kayaks need additional plastic side parts
  • Make sure that there are no restrictions in cockpit area that will restrict use or retro-fitting of the adjustable seat
  • Place foam seat pad in hull of boat, but do not remove the glue protection layer at this stage as you do not want it to stick in place yet
  • Place the fully assembled seat on top of this pad, and then measure the seat in to place (each boat has different seat placement measurements, so please seek advice on the required measurements). Once in place slide the foam pad forward (which will now be located under the seat) so that the front edge of the pad is about 30 mm in front of the seat. Once all is in place and you are happy with the measurements, mark with the marker pen where the seat pad is located and also where the seat is located (we normally mark where the adjustable plastic bars are which are located on the sides of the seat). Then remove seat and foam pad from hull to leave markings shown
  • With a cloth and some acetone (please wear adequate safety equipment) wipe down area to remove any dirt etc from boat (be careful not to wipe markings away)
  • Peel the glue protection layer off the back of the foam seat pad and then carefully place on hull, aligning to the markings placed earlier
  • Then place the fully assembled seat on top of the pad and align to the markings earlier drawn
  • Mix glue up on mixing board and have at hand a couple of clean spatulas (please wear adequate safety equipment) pull one side of the seat away and smear glue along the adjustable plastic bar on side of seat (the side in contact with the hull of the boat) and repeat on the opposite side. Clean any excess away as soon as possible as it will set in approx 15 minutes. Attach the seat by using 2 bolts on either side of the seat.
  • Place heavy weight on the seat to keep in place. Once set, remove heavy weight and attach backrest, also fit outsides of seat with adequate foam blocks/wedges supplied

Sea Kayaking UK, Canada Gardens, Morrison Crescent, Holyhead, LL65 2SZ

+44 (0)1407 765550 | info@seakayakinguk.com