Alon Ohad was born in 1971. Although home is Israel for him, he was living in different parts of the world including Scotland, Australia and Denmark. He travelled in many other countries such as New Zealand, Thailand, Cuba, Mexico, Turkey and many more.

His paddling career started after a friend told him to try sea kayaking to alleviate the back pain he was suffering from. A few years later he decided to make kayaking more than just a weekend hobby. He went on some serious trips and expeditions. This hunger to explore still exist.

In the past few years he also started to go on whitewater adventures, although not as much as he would want.

His expeditions to date are:
2003 370 km of trips in Wales and Great Britain (with Misha Hoichman).

2003-2005 Paddling hundreds of kilometres along the New South Wales eastern coastline.

2005 1300 km circumnavigation of Tasmania, Australia, with Misha Hoichman. 240 km solo circumnavigation of Stewart Island(NZ), around latitude 47 south, way into the roaring 40's. Whitewater paddling on different rivers in New Zealand. Kayak surfing on the west coast of the USA.

2006 Circumnavigation of Ireland with Misha Hoichman.

2008 Attempting to circumnavigate Svalbard with Tim Starr. This epic expedition ended with a five hour walk on the ice dragging the 80-90kg kayaks toward the land while the ice mass was moving north very fast.

In 2009 Alon spent three weeks exploring the Faroe Islands.


Sea Kayaking UK, Canada Gardens, Morrison Crescent, Holyhead, LL65 2SZ

+44 (0)1407 765550 |