This pack will make up the following Canoe and kayak, pack rafting paddles

  • Pack Rafting - 182 - 192cm max length of longest pc 57cm for carrying or       197   - 207cm                                                                                                                                 
  • Touring - 200 - 210cm
  • White Water and Surf - 182 - 192 or 197 - 207cm
  • Canoeing - 2 x paddles 148 - 158 or 
  • Alternative lengths - 1 x 148 - 158 & 1 x 163 -173cm


1 x set of Mania (Symmetrical) Carbon Fibre blades. This material allows us to inject strong, stiff durable blades with a Dihedral blade face. This material is ideal for White Water and Canoe offering a blade that is far more impact resistant when used in a rocky environment.

1 x set of Omega Carbon blades, again with a Dihedral face. Although the Kinetik design is a popular touring blade. When combined with the Dihedral face it also allows far easier control when undertaking a slicing stroke and enables the paddler to be less precise in the placement of the paddle on moving water. These carbon blades make the touring paddle a strong light blade.


All shafts are manufactured from Carbon for strength. All shafts have an adjustable shaft joint (the Leverlok) This will give the paddler a choice of length including the Canoe Paddles.

These come marked and labeled as certain shaft sections need to be selected for the touring and White Water blades.

Shafts are manufactured so they have removable spigots. This gives the paddler shorter lengths of shaft to pack and carry. The spigots have the patented Paddlok system making a rock solid joint.


This is an injection moulded nylon hand grip

All the sections of shaft and paddles are completely interchangeable


Paddlok joint

paddlok joint 400

Paddlok key

paddlok key 400

Leverlok centre shaft joint

leverlok centre shaft joint


Explorer Paddle Pack

explorer paddle pack

White water paddle
Touring Paddle
2 x Canoe Paddles



Sea Kayaking UK, Canada Gardens, Morrison Crescent, Holyhead, LL65 2SZ

+44 (0)1407 765550 |